Wellness for The Trucking Industry:
an Open Letter

Dear Colleagues.

My name is: Richard Cribari.

I was raised in an immigrant area in Chicago, we were raised as a generation after World War II to extend a helping hand to one another.

I served in the USAF and was honorably discharged.

My whole career has been in Management, and I have always strived to instill a winning attitude in others.

I have been on radio and television several times to encourage fellow Seniors and truck drivers to work on their health and be a more productive citizen for society and especially, their families.

With over 500,000 truck drivers having Diabetes, I also want to work with food producers and companies to help improve the food chain.

My website is: www.truckingwellness.com.

We are always looking for financial donations to help finance this education.


Uncle Richie

Uncle Richie Wellness Inc.

13940 Hobart St.

Cedar Lake, IN 46303



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