ATA’s Moving & Storage Conference Call on Washington

  • Location: ATA Headquarters & ATA Hill Office in Washington, D.C.
  • Date: Tue, Sep 26 – Thu, Sep 28
  • Attendees: Moving & Storage Conference Members

ATA’s Moving & Storage Conference (MSC) is hosting the 2023 Moving & Storage Conference (MSC) Call on Washington, September 26-28 at ATA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. The event will bring together industry experts in moving and storage to speak on important issues in committee meetings, as well as in meetings with members of congress.

This meeting provides MSC members a unique value to capitalize on their membership and ensure their company’s interests are well-represented. MSC is dependent upon your engagement and voice, and this event serves as a way to share your concerns and create a stronger future for your industry. MSC’s Call on Washington program is your opportunity to meet directly with Members of Congress, key congressional staff, federal regulators, fellow industry leaders, as well as MSC and ATA staff to discuss in person legislation and regulations affecting the moving industry.

Source: MSC Call On Washington, May 31st 2023
